About Us

Mission Statement

We are a spiritual group that offers a safe place for those on their spiritual journey to unite and express themselves.

Our group learns and grows by interacting and sharing ideas on an intimate level.

The central goal is stepping into our Infinite Self-Expression and extending that to all those we cross paths with.

Core Values

Integrity • Empathy • Love • Acceptance • Authenticity

Commitment • Courage • Passion • Curiosity • Respect

Group Purpose

We're all spiritual beings coming together with mutual curiosities. It is essential to note this is a spiritual discussion group, and everyone's experience is valid.
At times, each of us may feel triggered; in these moments, it is important to stay receptive and question what is taking place internally. 

We are transcending our limitations together to become loving, compassionate beings at all times.

We must be vigilant with our pursuits on this path and stay calm and centered even when it feels most difficult.

This will not always be an easy task, but if you are ready to accept your externally manifested spiritual lessons and integrate them, you are in a loving, safe place to do so.